Effective procurement of IT resources can be a highly important aspect of the successful operation and growth of multi-academy trusts. Potential efficiencies are one of the perceived benefits of Multi-Academy Trusts. IT offers a major opportunity for this. As educators and senior leaders responsible for this, choosing the right IT services, equipment, and software is often towards the top of priorities and objectives - but it's not always easy, and there are a lot of things that can go wrong.

Factors such as budget constraints, regulatory compliance, and the need for scalable solutions pose significant considerations. Failure to address these challenges can lead to financial constraints, operational disruptions, and a compromise in the delivery of quality education. So, it's up to senior leaders and decision makers to take the necessary steps that deal with the risks that come with IT procurement.

In this blog, we want to talk about the ins and outs of getting IT procurement right, the risks involved, and the best ways to deal with them. Later we’ll discuss our role in supporting you; we’ve worked with various MATs throughout the UK to support them with their IT procurement, and we understand the risks involved and how to mitigate them.


IT Procurement Risks

Below we have broken down the most common IT procurement risks into 4 categories, detailing the individual issues that can occur for MATs:

1. Financial risks:

  • Overspending: With almost half of MATs in England in deficit,  MATs must carefully allocate funds to maximise their impact on educational outcomes. However, without proper oversight, there's a risk of overspending on unnecessary or overpriced IT solutions.
  • Poor value for money: Procuring IT solutions solely based on upfront costs can lead to poor value for money in the long run. MATs may end up with outdated or inadequate systems that require frequent upgrades or replacements, resulting in higher total ownership costs over time.
  • Hidden costs: Some IT vendors may not fully disclose all associated costs upfront, leading to unexpected expenses down the line. These hidden costs could include maintenance fees, licensing renewals, or additional support services, further stretching the trust's budget.
  • Vendor lock-in: MATs may become locked into proprietary systems or contracts with restrictive terms, limiting their flexibility to switch providers or adapt to changing technology needs.

2. Compliance risks:

  • Data security breaches: MATs handle sensitive student and staff data, making them prime targets for cyberattacks and data breaches. Failing to implement robust security measures or working with reputable vendors can expose the trust to significant legal and reputational risks.
  • Regulatory violations: MATs must comply with various regulations and standards related to data protection, privacy, and accessibility. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines, legal penalties, and damage to the trust's reputation.
  • Licensing issues: Improperly managing software licences or using unlicensed software can lead to legal repercussions and financial penalties. 

3. Operational risks:

  • System downtime: IT failures or disruptions can disrupt operations including administrative tasks, communication systems, and online learning platforms.
  • Performance issues: Inadequate IT infrastructure or poorly designed systems can result in slow performance, latency issues, or system crashes.
  • Compatibility problems: Integrating new IT solutions with existing infrastructure and software can pose compatibility challenges. New systems must align with their existing technology stack and support interoperability.
  • Vendor delays: Delays in product delivery, implementation, or support from IT vendors can impede operations and timelines.

4. Educational impact:

  • Compromised learning experience: IT failures or limitations can hinder students' access to educational resources, impeding their learning progress and academic achievement.
  • Limited EdTech opportunities: Inadequate IT procurement can restrict a MAT’s ability to leverage innovative EdTech, such as digital learning platforms, interactive tools, and online resources.


Minimising Risks: Best Practices for MATs

Now that we’ve covered the different kinds of risks that can be involved with IT procurement, let's explore the best practices that MATs can follow to mitigate risks and ensure a smooth procurement process. At Novatia, we can support you throughout the entire procurement process, making each of the following less of a headache.

MATs should begin by conducting a clear needs assessment, otherwise known as needs analysis. By thoroughly defining specific requirements and goals prior to initiating the procurement process, MATs can better understand how to go about obtaining and managing their IT resources. A clear needs assessment involves engaging stakeholders from across the trust, including school leaders, teachers, administrators, and IT staff, to ensure alignment with strategic priorities and objectives. By setting measurable goals and criteria for success, MATs can guide decision-making and resource allocation more effectively.

Furthermore, due diligence is king when evaluating potential vendors. By conducting comprehensive research, MATs can identify reputable vendors with a proven track record of serving educational institutions. By checking references and gathering insights from existing customers or partners, MATs can assess the reliability, responsiveness, and overall satisfaction of potential vendors. With our up-to-date list of reputable contacts and suppliers throughout the sector available at our fingertips, we make sure you choose the right fit.

Competitive procurement is another practice that can significantly help when choosing a vendor. It essentially involves receiving competitive bids from multiple vendors, where they are compared and terms can be negotiated. It enables MATs to secure favourable pricing, flexible payment options, and favourable contract terms that align with their budget and objectives. Clear contracts with well-defined deliverables, payment terms, and service-level agreements establish mutual expectations and can hold vendors accountable for their performance.

By adhering to these best practices and partnering with trusted IT specialists who understand the unique challenges faced by MATs, organisations can minimise risks and achieve successful outcomes in IT procurement. Collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement are our bread and butter, where we support you with the complexities of IT procurement and ensure the long-term success and sustainability of MATs.


Our IT Procurement Services

For over 20 years, we’ve specialised in assisting schools, trusts and other sectors with IT solutions, including MATs with their IT procurement needs. With a proven track record, we understand the challenges faced by MATs and tailor our services to address their specific requirements. Our team of experts is committed to guiding MATs through every stage of the procurement process, from initial assessment to ongoing support and monitoring.

For example, our work with Ormiston Academies Trust demonstrates how we helped them with their strategic IT procurement. James Miller, OAT’s National Director of Estates & Technology, identified the need for Trust-wide strategic procurement for IT services like broadband, telephony, and e-safety. E-safety was a significant concern, driving the decision to centralise IT procurement to reduce risks across academies using different systems and providers. 

We supported OAT in two procurement exercises, procuring telephony, broadband, e-safety services, and fully managed IT services, while also project managing the roll-out over three years. The strategic procurement helped to save costs, improve collaboration, and enhance e-safety measures across OAT's academies. We conducted detailed scoping, tender documentation, evaluation, and negotiation phases, ensuring the right suppliers were selected at the right price.

We were also recently appointed to the Technology Products & Associated Services 2 framework, cementing our position as a trusted supplier to the education and public sectors. This TePAS 2 framework from the Crown Commercial Service gives organisations a simple, flexible and efficient way to procure technology products and associated services. From end user devices and software to technology infrastructure, TePAS 2 helps to develop end-to-end digital solutions.

Other frameworks we are on include:

  • Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC): Procure products and services for your MAT or school while achieving time and cost efficiencies. As a selected supplier, we offer ICT Consultancy services through CPC's Outsourced ICT Consultancy framework.
  • Everything ICT Framework: Access a comprehensive range of ICT-related items such as hardware, software, connectivity, infrastructure, cloud services, ICT support services, and consultancy services. Simplifies the procurement process for the ICT essentials, making it more efficient and cost-effective.
  • enFrame: Tailored framework designed for schools and academy trusts to reduce expenses while addressing climate change concerns. Supports the goal of achieving net zero status for every school by 2035.
  • Bloom: Framework offering comprehensive control, transparency, risk management, and value for money. Provides ongoing support through a streamlined, compliant, and efficient service. Bloom introduces the NEPRO³ solution, an approved DfE framework enabling schools and academies to procure professional services. Direct Award option available for procuring services.

Download our product sheet below to get a better understanding of exactly how we work with you to support your IT procurement:

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