Questa is a professional tool which helps to manage key performance indicators (KPIs) at both school and trust level, supporting your MAT as it grows. Questa does this by allowing instant access to data concerning ALL aspects of your business and schools.  
Questa doesn't just include financial forecasts and spreadsheets but covers a wide number of other important areas such as Progress 8 scores, behaviour & attendance records, learning outcomes - as well as ICT and equipment reviews.  
Our service provides the numerical evidence for you to make well informed decisions to effectively drive and improve your MAT’s performance.  In addition, it gives you the ability to pinpoint and share any areas of best practice across all the schools in your trust.  
With MAT accountability high on the political agenda, can your trust and its schools really afford to be without a first-rate analytics service to guide them?
Behaviour Screen Shot

Get in touch

Find out how Questa analytics can improve your MAT’s performance – contact us now for a FREE online demo. School self-evaluation has never been so easy…

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